The heroic story of Christopher Amoroso on 9/11

The 9/11 heroes who died will never be forgotten.

However, Port Authority Police Officer Christopher Amoroso’s story keeps coming back to me.

Christopher Charles Amoroso was a down-to-earth guy from North Bergen, New Jersey, who loved the Yankees and sports like hockey, football, and baseball.

Chris was one of four brothers and two sisters. He loved watching the History Channel with Sophia Rose, his daughter.

Liked his job
After working as a route manager for Consolidated Dairies, he wanted to be a police officer. After 5.5 years of dedication, he entered the Port Authority Police Academy in 1999 and graduated in January 2000, ready to serve with the same selflessness that would characterize his legacy.

Christopher enjoyed his job and was on a rotation that took him to the World Trade Center on September 11. He could have gone to Newark Airport, but fate intervened.

Christopher and his colleagues traveled from the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Midtown to the Twin Towers just before the second jet hit.

He was leading people to safety when last seen. He ran back into the commotion.

Final moments
Todd Maisel memorialized Christopher’s gallantry by photographing him rescuing a woman to safety with a severe welt under his eye before returning to the buildings.

Despite having a wife and child at home, he kept returning to the towers at 29.

Blood coated him, and smoke filled his lungs. Could have stopped, but didn’t. He had gone far beyond what was requested, yet duty and compassion kept him going.

Christopher never left after this photo was taken.

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