Dog shot over 70 times by BB gun makes recovery

Unfortunately, a large number of people should never be permitted to own or be in close proximity to animals.

Hayden Howard became aware of a problem with her dog a few years ago.

She had been inside when her English Mastiff Jackson played in the backyard. He appeared to have been bitten by insects when she called him in.

However, she discovered that the truth was much worse when she looked more closely.

In fact, Jackson, the dog, had numerous bullet holes all over him.

“I was utterly taken aback and unsure of what to think,” Hayden told WXIN.

She took Jackson to the veterinarian right away after learning that he had been shot. Masses of tiny bullets fired from a BB gun were discovered by the veterinarian when he examined Jackson.

Hayden claims, “They were all over the place, one in his knee, one in his ear, and one stuck under his eyelid.”

The veterinarian had to shave nearly all of Jackson’s fur to remove the plastic shells because there were so many. In all, he extracted 27 bullets, but he had to leave 20 in place.

In addition, the veterinarian discovered twenty more bullet holes in Jackson’s frail body.

More than 70 shots had been fired at him.

“I’ve never witnessed an animal being shot so frequently. Assistant Chief Craig Hayes of the Seymour Police Department stated, “It’s a very bad case and it’s sad to see.”

I find it incomprehensible that someone could do such a horrible thing to a dog, especially when the animal has never hurt anyone.

Police were pursuing the suspect, who was thought to have fired from a nearby yard.

They quickly discovered bullets and a gun concealed in a neighbor’s house.

According to the Daily Mail, the police discovered methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia in his house along with a BB gun and pellets.

I sincerely hope the offender pays the price for their crime and receives a lengthy prison term.

They should never again be allowed to approach a dog, or any other animal for that matter, after they are released, in my opinion. Hayden says Jackson is doing well despite the severe trauma.

View the incident’s news report here:

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