feel better.
Rosa Ramirez, an American woman, saw that it was time for a change after 25 years of not getting her hair cut.
Because her hair was so long, she sometimes walked on it.
Over the years, her husband had tried to get her to change her hairstyle, but she was always proud of her 1.5-meter-long hair.
She finally had enough and went to the hairdresser with some friends after 25 years of hard work. She had her hair cut to her shoulders.
The owner of the hair salon, Eda Motchka, told WXYZ-TV Detroit, “We love seeing different things done on customers, different styles. We meet a lot, and I always see her the same way.”
But she did what she did for a reason. Locks of Love is a nonprofit that makes wigs for kids whose hair has been lost to cancer. Rosa sent 4 feet of her hair to them.
Ramirez said, “I think it would make someone’s day who is sick a little better.”
Rosa’s change over time is very interesting to watch. Watch how it works in the video below.