Scientists Reveal How Much Sex Men Should Have To Lower Heart Disease Risk

New research shows that getting more active in the bedroom might be all you need to do to take better care of your heart.It looks like having sex might be good for your health and your relationship.

Many people put exercise and a healthy diet at the top of their list when it comes to heart health, but sexual frequency doesn’t always get the attention it needs.

But a new study says that men who have regular sex may be less likely to get heart disease as they get older.

The results suggest that having more sex can have big long-term benefits for heart health. This is an unexpected but effective way to take care of yourself.

An international group of scientists led the study and discovered that men who are sexually active often are less likely to get heart disease.

Their results show that regular se8 is good for the heart because it improves circulation, lowers stress, and works out the heart.

The researchers wrote about their results in the Journal of Scientific Reports in December of last year. They also said that a person’s sexual activity can be a good indicator of their overall health. It shows both how fit you are physically and how healthy your mind is.

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